Breathing Coach, Vocalist & Wellbeing Harpist

I'm Tracy Jane Sullivan and I'm a Musician, certified YOGABODY® Breath Coach, Team Member of The Breath Coaching Federation and an Advanced Oxygen Advantage® Instructor.

I use harp, voice and breathwork to help people feel happier, healthier and more connected to themselves. I host regular events and retreats, guest at workshops and events across the UK, Europe and Australia as well as offering a multitude breathwork courses and 1-1’s sessions online.

Check out my harp yoga and breath coaching pages to find out more.For all harp yoga enquiries or to book your free 20 minute breathwork consultation in touch via the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Main Photo:Alessandro Sigismondi courtesy of Berlin Yoga Conference

Harp yoga

Harp & Art

Harp Breathwork

I can honestly say that I use the breathwork techniques I learned every day. I will be back for more. Transformational. Thanks Tracy! ”

— Will Tully- Compliance Officer BBC